Cau Cau (pronounced ¨cow cow¨) is by far the worst thing I have eaten in Lima. I´m a big fan of trying new foods, and pretty much everything here is really tasty. I also like to order things in a restaurant when I don´t know what they are and be surprised...or at least I used to like to do that. A few days ago in a restaurant that has never disappointed me here, I ordered cau cau. When it came out I had no idea what it was. Didn´t really look like chicken or beef...and it seriously smelled like livestock. I still had to try it. After 5 or 6 bites I just couldn´t go on. The smell was making me nauseous.
SO what is cau cau? After walking back to my house trying to rid my mouth of this taste, I had to look it up. Not surprisingly cau cau a dish prepared with multiple farm animals stomachs/intestines. I had a feeling that´s what it was. Some tell me that it´s really great if prepared properly. I just don´t know about that.
Still feeling nauseous...
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