Since learning how to play a few years ago, I´ve always loved the game, but it´s just not one of those things you really do unless it´s raining outside or you´re really bored. But here, I probably play at least 15 games a week. As stated earlier, the intensity is fierce. Right now I´m in a bit of a slump and just can´t seem to beat my roommate Carlos (who´s birthday is today)...hap

A house backgammon tournament is on the horizon as well. The official rules have been written and now we´re just waiting for all the roommates to return from vacation. Also, often times bets are placed on games. Ice creams are popular betting items and lately I´ve been pushing for massages as well.
Speak of massages, I was walking down the street near my house today and happened to look in a door to a building and saw about 30 beds with people lying on them. I thought it was a massage place, but no one was attending the people on the beds. It definitely wasn´t a hospital or old folks home and was perfectly visible from the street. They had a lady at the front taking money as well. I have absolutely know idea what it was. My best guess is that it´s a place you can go and take a nap in the middle of the day, and if that´s the case, that´s basically the best idea ever.
As far as food goes, I´ve been dabbling in a few sweets lately. There is a very wide selection of cakes and pies at the local bakery for less than a dollar a slice. I´ve been sampling ones such as german chocolate cake, strawberry cheesecake, and fruit tarts. All quite good, but one of my favorites has to be the suspiro. I believe it´s typical to Peru. It is typically served in a cup or bowl and filled at the bottom with a sweet caramel and topped with light whipped cream with a sprinkle of cinnamon. Yummy.
Until next time...
jajajajaja gringooooooouuuuuuu nunca me ganaras!!! aceptalo soy el campeon d backgammon!
ResponderBorrarbackgammon always makes me think of us playing upstairs in the mannor during a german club party. hmmm...