Alright I promise I'll try to be more current and up to date with the blog starting these next few days. But for now sink your teeth into some photos of what's been hap'nin in the past month.

1. Great group of kids at Saturday morning sports church ministry with Perales church.
2. Clouds creeping in on Cusco's central square.
3. My girlfriend Mary came and visited! Here we are in Cusco at the Temple de Sol
4. Mary with Camila, a cute girl from the Perales church
5. With my new friends Padre Alejandro and his sister, Lina at an incredible display of Incan landscaping off the beaten path in Chivay, Peru. My friends!
6. Condor sighting at 6am in Colca Canyon!
7. With my new friend Lina at the Canyon. It was freezing.
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